With 10 years of experience in the transport of Gas, WE have specialist trainers made up of seafarers and engineers.

LNG Carrier Training

Target audience:
Personnel working in the LNG transport environment, engineers, financial analysts, shipowners, charterers, terminal operators, brokers
3 days: (2 days: theoretical, 1 simulator day) + (1 day of ship visit depending on ship availability)
Training objective:
Describe the characteristics, installations and risks of maritime transport of LNG
Educational goals :
• Describe the LNG market
• Explain the characteristics and risks associated with LNG
• Describe the different commercial operations (loading, unloading, etc.)
• Distinguish the ship’s installations (cargo equipment, safety equipment, propulsion system, types of tanks)
• Describe the organization on board a ship
Teaching methods:
Training combining theoretical contributions, feedback and the use of a simulator
Pedagogical means:
Training room dedicated to training actions: provision of a video projector.
Cargo Simulator
Detailed program :
• Characteristic of LNG
• building a ship
• Law and regulations
• Cistern system
• drive system
• The crossing of the ship
• Port operations
• Special operations (ship to ship)
• Organization on board a ship
• Organization around the ship
• Safety and security on board a ship
• Cargo equipment
• Cargo operations
• Voyage on ballast
• Loading
• Busy trip
• Unloading
• After passing through drydock
• Before going into drydock
French – English (depending on the audience)
Assessment methods:
Knowledge assessment (QCM) at the end of the session
Expert (Merchant Navy Officer)
Place of training:
132 boulevard Michelet CS
10040 13372 Marseille cedex 08
Prices :
2000 euros excl. VAT/person for 3 days and 1 day of LNG carrier visit depending on vessel availability.
Travel expenses, catering, accommodation to be borne by the trainee.

IGF STCW training

Level of training demand:
In 2020 The IMO (International Maritime Organization) imposes new regulations on atmospheric emissions from ships. These regulations will impact the operation of ships, a certain number will change fuel to use LNG. These vessels are subject to specific international regulations, the IGF. The IMO also requires that personnel working on this type of vessel receive qualifying training (IGF STCW).

The Trainees will have to use new installations, installation at risk (handling of LNG)

Target audience: Seagoing
personnel (technical profile), Port personnel

variable (interested or obliged)

Level of initial knowledge:

Conditions of use of the contributions:
practical and current

Training objective:
Safely operate a ship with low flash point fuel

Educational goals :

  • Describe the regulatory framework for IGF vessels
  • Describe the construction of IGF vessels
  • Describe the gas chain equipment
  • Describe the characteristics of methane as a fuel
  • Describe gas propulsion systems
  • Driving the gas chain
  • Preparing the ship for a technical stop
  • Prepare the vessel for exiting a technical stop
  • Describe the means of refueling
  • Describe the equipment for a transfer
  • Describe refueling operations
  • Load a membrane vessel
  • Calculate transferred quantities
  • Describe the implementation of emergency plans
  • Teaching methods:
  • Training combining theoretical contributions, feedback and the use of a simulator

Teaching resources:
Training room dedicated to training actions: provision of a video projector.
Cargo Simulator

Detailed program :

Products and their risks

Firefighting means, safety equipment and risk assessment


The IGF Ship

Gas drive


Provisioning of ships

Damage control and contingency plans


Assessment methods:
Knowledge assessment (QCM) at the end of the session

Expert (Merchant Navy Officer)

Place of Training:
132 boulevard Michelet CS
10040 13372 Marseille cedex 08

IGF training

Port officer, shipyards, shipowners, etc.
Level of training demand:
Target audience: Seagoing
personnel (technical profile), Port personnel

variable (interested or obliged)

Level of initial knowledge:

Conditions of use of the contributions:
practical and current

Training objective:
Describe the characteristics, installations and risks of ships using LNG as fuel.

Educational goals :

  • Describe the characteristics, properties, risks of LNG
  • Describe safety equipment
  • Describe vessel operations and onboard gas management
  • Describe special operations (Inerting, cooling, etc.)
  • Describe the regulatory framework for IGF vessels
  • Describe the construction of IGF vessels
  • Describe the gas chain equipment
  • Describe gas propulsion systems
  • Describe the means of refueling
  • Describe the equipment for a transfer
  • Describe refueling operations
  • Teaching methods:

Training combining theoretical contributions, feedback and the use of a simulator (if requested)

Teaching resources:
Training room dedicated to training actions: provision of a video projector.
Cargo Simulator (if requested)

Detailed program :

Products and their risks

Fire-fighting means, safety equipment


The IGF Ship

Gas drive


Provisioning of ships


Assessment methods:
Knowledge assessment (QCM) at the end of the session

Expert (Merchant Navy Officer)

Place of Training:
132 boulevard Michelet CS
10040 13372 Marseille cedex 08