The success of ours is also a team of sedentary professionals who assist the seagoing personnel by allowing them to exercise their profession on a daily basis. The various departments strive to provide our customers with an optimal quality of service. For this, the Company has a Human Resources Management policy focused on skills development. On-site staff have access to continuous training each year and can attend various business seminars which will allow them to follow developments in the various businesses and in the LNG sector. Regular visits and boarding on the various ships of the fleet as part of each person’s activities will complete the acquisition of knowledge. Would you like to send your unsolicited application for a position ashore?

Apply Now

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. Please also call us or email us before visiting to make sure that you will be served with our best services.

The opportunities are regular:

  • Trainee students
  • cadets
  • Deck and engine officers
  • We, favors the learning, the development of skills and the loyalty of its officers.

Call +447418362157